aka Don Trent Jacobs, Ph.D, Ed.
Indigenous Worldview Scholarship
Doctoral & Masters Dissertation Support Services
A Private Service of Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows), aka Donald Trent Jacobs, Ph.D., Ed.D.
"Empowering And Helping Students to Create Dissertations that Make a Difference: Rebalancing Life Systems, Challenging Hegemony, and Inspiring Change"
More see Dissertation Page Link Below
email : Four Arrows

Author of 24 books and numerous chapters, articles, peer-reviewed papers, and keynotes , Four Arrows ( Wahinkpe Topa) is internationally known for his work in cognitive anthropology ( worldview studies) , education, critical theory, and wellness. He is a dynamic guest and speaker . Please visit his many podcasts and presentations.
Four Arrows and Darcia Narvaez are nominated for the 2024 Grawemeyer Award in Psychology . This pertains to their work in their new book Restoring The Kinship Worldview
In 2018, The Chicago Wisdom Project, selected Four Arrows's book, Teaching Truly A Curriculum to Indigenize Mainstream Education, as one of the top twenty education books of all time along side such distinguished authors as Neil Postman, Paulo Freire, John Dewey and others.
Four Arrows's work provides a path to the future, a path of peace, with signposts from Indigenous world views that recognize that we are interconnected and are all members of one Earth family. Our highest duty, our Dharma , is living in harmony with all our relations." -Vandana Shiva ,
Physicist, recipient of the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize, the Right Livelihood Award, author of over 20 books,​
How can the indigenous or pre-colonial worldview reshape our understanding of our world? How can it reconnect us as humans, as mammals once again? Is her power accessible to everyone? Should it be....?​​​​​
​Epistemic Alchemy Podcast
How a Story Changed the World

Four Arrows (Wahinkpe Topa) aka Dr. Don Trent Jacobs
is currently an adjunct professor a Fielding Graduate University, California, where he was core faculty for 24 years.
​Other positions include ,Dean of Education at Oglala Lakota College and tenured Associate Professor at Northern Arizona University. With doctorates in health psychology and in Curriculum and Instruction (with a cognate in Indigenous Worldview) he has authored 21 books and numerous other publications relating to wellness, critical theory, education and Indigenous worldview.
His publications have been praised by a number of notable thinkers, including John Pilger, Greg Cajete, Noam Chomsky, Thom Hartman, Henry Giroux, Sam Keen, Bruce Lipton, Dan Millman, Vine Deloris, Jr. and many others.
AERO elected him as one of 27 visionaries for their text, Turning Points, and he is recipient of a number of recognitions for his activism, including the Martin-Springer Institute's Moral Courage Award.
He is currently involved in helping create the first No Take Zone Marine Park on the Costalegre in Mexico. Four Arrow was first alternate for the 1996 Olympic Equestrian Endurance Team and placed 4th in the World Championship Old Time Piano Contest. He enjoys a number of ocean sports at his homes in Jalisco, Mexico and British Columbia, Canada with his photographer wife. He is a popular and thought-provoking keynoter and has presented on various topics in Australia, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, South Korea, and Japan and is on the Fulbright list of International Scholars.
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